Scense Administrator Guide

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  5. Virtual Layer Action

Virtual Layer Action


The Virtual Layer action provides several operations that enable Altiris virtual Layer manipulation.

By default, each layer-action will affect the ‘Application Default Layer’. This will be the virtual layer that is attached to the Application object.

You can also select any other virtual layer known to the Scense system, or the ‘independent layer’.

The independent layer offers the possibility to select a virtual layer archive (vsa-file) that is not registered within the Scense system.


Activate will activate an existing layer.

This is not a privileged operation. Scense will assume the user to have the appropriate access rights to activate layers.

It is optional to run the ‘startup tasks’ specified within the layer.

The user can be granted the right to activate layers by creating a registry key:


All users with ‘Full Control’ access to this key will be able to activate layers.

Deactivate will deactivate an existing layer.

This is also not a privileged operation. Scense will assume the user to have the appropriate access rights to deactivate layers.

The user can be granted the right to activate layers by creating a registry key:


All users with ‘Full Control’ access to this key will be able to deactivate layers.

Force will deactivate the layer even if it’s currently in use.

SetAutoActivate will activate a virtual layer on system startup.

This setting can also be specified at the Application level.
This operation will enable a conditional setting of the AutoAcivate property.

If the ‘Auto Activate’ checkbox is unchecked, the layer’s autoactivate property will be unset.

This is a privileged operation that can only be executed by an administrator or the Scense OnDemand service.

Delete will remove virtual layer from the computer.

This is a privileged operation that can only be executed by an administrator or the Scense OnDemand service.

Rename will change the display name of the existing virtual layer on the computer.

This is a privileged operation that can only be executed by an administrator or the Scense OnDemand service.

Reset will bring an existing virtual layer back to its original state.

The reset operation will remove all user specific settings. Scense might be able to restore these settings,

Force will reset the layer even if it is currently in use.

This is a privileged operation that can only be executed by an administrator or the Scense OnDemand service.

SetPriority will set the layer’s ‘Normal’ or ‘HKCR’ priority. Scense will only allow the priority to be set within safe margins.

Priorities can also be set at application level, but this operation can be used conditionally.

This is a privileged operation that can only be executed by an administrator or the Scense OnDemand service.

ResetPriority will reset the virtual layer’s priority to its default value.

This is a privileged operation that can only be executed by an administrator or the Scense OnDemand service.

Import will add a new virtual layer to a computer. By default, the application attached virtual layer will be imported.

If ‘independent layer’ is selected, any virtual layer archive (vsa-file) can be selected for import.

Overwrite will import a virtual layer even if the layer already exists on the computer. The existing virtual layer will be removed prior to the new import. To allow the user to reinstall the applications, the overwrite-property should be checked.

This is a privileged operation that can only be executed by an administrator or the Scense OnDemand service.

Export makes it possible to export an existing virtual layer to a virtual layer archive (vsa-file).

PathName specifies the name of the vsa-file to which the layer should be exported.

Overwrite will enable exporting over an existing vsa-file.

This is a privileged operation that can only be executed by an administrator or the Scense OnDemand service.

SaveUserSettings can be used to save the user specific settings to the user profile, so these settings become portable. This will enable roaming user support.

The Scense client software will automatically use the ‘SaveUserSettings’ and ‘RestoreUserSettings’ to enable roaming users.

This operation allows for conditional saves.

RestoreUserSettings can be used to restore the user specific settings from the user profile to the virtual layer. This will enable roaming user support.

The Scense client software will automatically use the ‘SaveUserSettings’ and ‘RestoreUserSettings’ to enable roaming users.

This operation allows for conditional restores.

ApplyConfiguration will (re)apply the application’s layer configuration as defined at the application level.

This is a privileged operation that can only be executed by an administrator or the Scense OnDemand service.