Scense Administrator Guide

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  5. Configuring Live Profiles

Configuring Live Profiles

Scense Live Profiles is managed using Scense Explorer, but only if the Live Profiles feature is included in the Scense license and the proper integration has been implemented.

Tools for managing and configuring Live Profiles are found in the ‘Tools’ tab in the ribbon, and on Application property sheets.

Using the tools in the Live Profiles group on the ribbon the administrator can influence the way Live Profiles works.

System Filters

The Default System Filters are used to determine which parts of the user profile will be handled by Live Profiles.
This is done by specifying ‘filters’.
By default, Scense will supply a set of safe filters to start with.
The administrator will be able to add, remove or modify filters.
Filters can either implicitly include or exclude a registry- or file system path.
‘Exclude Filters’ are rendered in red.For more information; see ‘Editing Filters’

! Please use caution when manipulating filters as this may cause problems when working with multiple operating systems.

Application Filters

The Default Application Filters are used for monitoring applications.
These filters determine the locations in the registry and file system that are monitored for changes made by applications.
These filters act as global filters that will be used for all applications.
The filters specified in this dialog are typically targeting a larger area of the user profile because they will be used in a monitor scope dedicated to a single application.

Per application, the administrator can add or remove monitor locations by specifying the corresponding filters.

Filter Sets

All filters in the database are grouped by filter sets.
Two of these filter sets are system filter sets (Default System Filters & Default Application Filters). All others are application filter sets.A new filter set will automatically be created when Live Profiles is enabled for an application.
If the application is a duplicate of another application, e.g. more than one application objects for exactly the same application, a single filter set can be attached to these two application objects.

This will result in using the same settings for both applications.
There can be a variety of reasons to have more than one application object for the same application, such as different delivery methods (MSI, App-V) or different configuration or features.

Filter Sets can be imported and exported. Scense uses the Microsoft UE-V file format.