Scense Administrator Guide

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  5. Native Criteria

Native Criteria


Each Criterion must be configured properly. The configuration requirements are defined within the Criterion and can be different for each Criterion.

Each Criterion will show its own configuration dialog underneath the ‘Edit Criterion’ caption.

Most Criterion items and parameters have custom browsers so it’s easy to browse for the right values.

Active Directory

Users membership in a group
Primary group for the user
require the Active Directory group name to be tested. Checking ‘Any Domain’ will exclude the domain name from the test which can be helpful in multi-domain configurations. The browse button will pop up the standard directory object browser.


The computer membership in the Scense site
requires the Scense site name to be tested. The dropdown list contains all Scense sites.
The Organizational Unit membership
requires the OU name to be tested. The Object Type selection will determine whether the user’s OU membership will be tested, or the computers, or both.


All application Criteria require the application to be tested.

Clicking the browse button will pop up the right browser for the application type.

Per application type different conditions are available.
Windows Installer applications can be checked on whether they are installed or not.
For App-V applications the Criteria can check whether the application or the package is available or not.
For ThinApp applications the Criteria can check whether or not the Application is available on the expected location.
Virtual Layer applications can be checked on whether the layer is available or not and whether the layer is activated or not.


File date checkrequires a file name and a timestamp to check how the modification date and time of the file compares to the specified timestamp.
Folder Existencerequires a folder name to check. The browse button will pop up the standard folder browser.
Typing a path in the folde name field before clicking the browse button will direct the browser to start at the specified location.
File Existencerequires a file name to check. The browse button will pop up the standard file browser.
File version checkrequires a file name and a version to check. The browse button will pop up the standard file browser. The administrator can type the version in free format.


User questionrequires a free format question to ask the user.

The user will be presented with a message box and can subsequently click either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. When the user clicks ‘Yes’ the Criterion will produce ‘True’.


Computer Locationrequires a location specification which can be specified by browsing. If the location of the computer can be determined and placed within the location specification, this Criterion will produce ‘True’


IP address existence in the networkrequires an IP Network address and subnet mask. If the current IP address is within this network, the Criterion produces ‘True’


Registry Key existence requires a registry key path name to check.
Registry Value existence requires a registry value path name to check.

This Criterion can also compare a registry value to a specified value.

By default Scense will automatically choose the registry mode (32- or 64-bit) based on the Application architecture, but the registry mode can be forced by writing “(32)” or “(64)” right behind the keyroot, like this:




When the registry mode indication is missing Scense will switch to the default behavior.


Check Operating System Attributesrequires an operating system attribute and a value to check.

The browse button will open a browser in which all supported operating system attributes are listed.

Check Hardware Attributesrequires a hardware attribute and a value to check.

The browse button will open a browser in which all supported hardware attributes are listed.


Check variablerequires a variable name and a value to check. The browse button will open a variable browser that will list all supported variables and their current value.