Scense Administrator Guide

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Scense Client

De Scense Client offer printer related functionality in the printer page.

When clicking the ‘Printers’ button the Printers page opens and show all locally connected printers.There’s a ‘Search’ button that will open the Printer search dialog.

And there’s a ‘Special tasks’ section where the user can either overrule or accept the default printer as suggested by the administrator.

Choosing the ‘Location Root’ from the ‘Printer Locations’ drop down box will show the Location tree as it has been built by the administrator in Scense Explorer.This allows the user to lookup a location, probably the current location and see which printers are available on this location.
After clicking the ‘Select’ button, the printers on the selected location will be shown in the list.Now the user can choose to connect to a printer in the list and even settings it as the default printer for the selected location.

If the printer was previously connected, then this page allows the user to disconnect it manually.

Clicking the ‘Search’ button will open the Printer Search dialog.In this window the user can search for printers based on:
-a part of the printer’s name
-a location
-a printer feature
or a combination of these three.
In the example on the right, the user has searched for any color printers.

Next, the user can select a printer and connect to it.