Scense Administrator Guide

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Script Concept


Scripts are dynamic collections of Taskset shortcuts, executed as a unity.

A Script is of a certain type, which determines when it is executed.
Normally, a Script is suitable for all supporting operating systems, but it may also be restricted to a single operating system.

The availability of a script can be restricted to a single domain as well.

In case more than one script, of the same type, is applicable due to the combination user-domain (or workstation-operating system), those scripts will be merged. Subsequently, this merged script is executed in the correct order (See: Script Sections).

Taskset shortcuts.
The content of a script consists of shortcuts to Tasksets. Just like Windows shortcuts, these are references to the actual object.

Shortcuts can be added to and removed from scripts using the ‘Add Taskset Shortcut Wizard’.

All TaskSets in the script will be executed, provided that they are activated. (checked)

Script types.
There are different types of scripts, which are executed at different moments. The different script types are described below.

  • Logon
    The Logon script is executed by Scense Client the moment the user has logged on. A logon script usually contains tasks that concern the initialization of the user and session environment.
  • Logoff
    The Logoff script is executed at the moment the user logs off.
    A logoff script usually contains ‘cleaning’ tasks.
  • Delayed
    Normally the Delayed (logon) script is started by Scense Client 15 minutes after logon.
    Before starting the script a performance evaluation is conducted, to be sure the user will not be disturbed by the execution of the delayed script.
    In case the performance evaluation indicates it is not preferred to execute the delayed script, the execution will be postponed 5 minutes.
    At the utmost, the delayed script is postponed 12 times (60 minutes). After that it will be forced to start.
    When Scense Client notices the screensaver is activated, the delayed script will be started immediately, regardless of the performance situation.
    Starting a delayed script always has low priority. The script usually contains ‘household’ tasks the administrator wants to have executed as soon as possible after logon, but without disturbing the user with it.
  • Session Control
    The Session Control script is repeatedly executed by Scense Client, according to a set interval.
    A session control script is normally used for repeating ‘household’ tasks.
  • OnDemand
    Unlike the other scripts, the OnDemand script is executed by the OnDemand service, not by the user.
    The OnDemand service will execute this script at the moment the computer is started (provided that the service is automatically started).
    An OnDemand script usually contains ‘household’ and configuration tasks defined by the administrator.
  • Session Connect
    Used for actions that should be executed whenever an access device connects to the user session.
    The user might have moved to another location, so this event is very useful for re-establishing network and printer connections.
  • Session Disconnect
    Used for actions that should be executed whenever an access device disconnects from the user session.)
  • Session Lock
    Used for actions that should be executed whenever the user locks the session.
  • Session Unlock
    Used for actions that should be executed whenever the user locks the session.
  • Battery Charging
    Run tasks when the battery starts charging
  • Battery Discharging
    Run tasks when the battery starts discharging
  • Battery High
    For tasks that should only be started when the battery is well charged (more than 66% left)
  • Battery Low
    First response to a low battery situation (less than 33% left)
  • Battery Critical
    Final response to a low battery situation (less than 5% left)
  • Network Connect
    For tasks that should be started when network connectivity becomes available.
    When a network connection is re-established after previously being lost, it might be a good time to run some tasks that make sure the workspace is up and running. Please note that the user may have moved to another location.

The different types of scripts will always execute the related Session Event within a Taskset.

So, the Logon script only executes Logon Modes, while the OnDemand script only executes OnDemand Modes etc.

Script Sections

A Scense script always consists of 5 sections. Section 1, 3 and 5 are fixed sections, while 2 and 4 are dynamic. When executing a script, the server (Scense Engine) first composes the entire script, before transmitting it to the client (Scense Executive). Taskset shortcuts can be put in the correct section and within the section in the correct order by the administrator.

An example of what a Logon script could look like is shown below.


Fixed & Dynamic.
The example above shows five Taskset shortcuts, grouped around the two ‘placeholders’ for the variable sections of the script.

Group memberships of both the user and the computer are evaluated

  • User Dependent system Script
    Scense Engine replaces this ‘placeholder’ by a selection of TaskSets of ‘System’ level, and a group reference that corresponds to the membership of the user (and computer) concerned.
  • User Dependent Application Script
    Scense Engine replaces this ‘placeholder’ by a selection of TaskSets of ‘User’ level, and a group reference that corresponds to the membership of the user (and computer) concerned.

Using the menu option “Script Prognosis” it is possible to see what happens if a script is run for a specific user and within a specific operating system. To run a script prognosis, place the cursor on the script, click the right mouse button and select “Script Prognosis”.