Scense Administrator Guide

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  4. Error Handling
  5. RaiseError



The administrator defines how an Action-object should handle possible runtime errors.
It can be opted either to ignore the error, or to communicate it to the Session Event (Raise Error).
Obviously, only errors detected by Scense Executive can be communicated.
These will be errors on actions executed by Scense Executive, such as a program start-up.
If an error arises while the program is started, e.g. because the file name contains an error, Scense Executive will detect this error situation. When the program crashes immediately after start-up, Scense Executive will not detect the error, since starting the program did not cause problems.

Error Recovery.

As soon as an error has been detected, and RaiseError has been specified, Scense Executive will start the Error Recovery.
The basic idea behind Error Recovery is that an error is first evaluated and then adequate actions be taken to minimize the error’s impact.
When Scense starts the Error Recovery it will in fact start the Error Event of the current TaskSet.

If there is no Error Event in the current Taskset, then the Error event of the ‘Alternate TaskSet’ will be started.
The Error Event in the alternate TaskSet can serve as a central error handler, but in that case it will be very helpful to know which Action in which Session Event of which TaskSet raised the error. In this case use the LastErrorTaskset, LastErrorSessionEvent and the LastErrorAction variables, as they will contain the names of the corresponding objects.