Scense Administrator Guide

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  5. Complex Criteria Grouping

Complex Criteria Grouping


There can be more than one group, so this Scope is valid:

Here the user must be a member of ‘Doman admins’ OR ‘Domain Users’ AND the computer name must be ‘WIN8164’ OR the ‘Scense Explorer’ application must be installed.

Multiple groups can easily be created by adding and selecting two or more additional Criteria and grouping them using the context menu. They will automatically form a new group.

So, if multiple groups are defined, the result of each group will be combined with AND.

The above example could be written like this:

Result=( “Domain Users” OR “Domain Admin” ) AND

( “WIN8164” OR “Scense Explorer” )

If the user is a member of the ‘Domain Users’ group and his current computer is named ‘WIN8164’ then the result will be ‘true’.

  • Groups can be combined with ‘ungrouped’ Criteria, so this Scope is valid:

Here the example was extended with two ‘ungrouped’ Criteria. The results of the ungrouped Criteria, as well as the results of the groups, are all combined with AND.

This means that the user must be a member of ‘Doman admins’ OR ‘Domain Users’ AND the computer name must be ‘WIN8164’ OR the ‘Scense Explorer’ application must be installed AND the OS Name must be ‘Windows 8.1’ AND the computers IP address must be within the network.

So, the results of multiple groups and the ‘Ungrouped’ criteria will be combined with the AND operator.

The above example could be written like this:

Result=( “Domain Users” OR “Domain Admin” ) AND

( “WIN8164” OR “Scense Explorer” ) AND

“Windows 8.1” AND


If the user is a member of the ‘Domain Users’ group and his current computer is named ‘WIN8164’ AND the OS Name is ‘Windows 8.1’ AND the computers IP address is within the network, then the result will be ‘true’.


  • Scense is optimized to test as less Criteria as possible, so it will always evaluate ungrouped Criteria first, stop at the first ‘false’ and within groups it will stop at the first ‘true’, etc.
  • Scense Explorer allows dragging and dropping of Criteria to and from groups and it will automatically ungroup if less than 2 Criteria will be left in a group as a result of a drag-drop action or the use of the context menu.
  • After upgrading from Scense 8.2 or below, all existing criteria will be considered ‘Ungrouped’ Criteria so the runtime behavior is backward compatible.