Scense Administrator Guide

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A Printer Object can be set as the default printer for a location.
To do this, a location should be set using the location object browser on the Printer property page and check the ‘Suggest as default printer for this location’ checkbox.
Simply selecting a Location here will not actually assign the Printer to all users that reside on this Location; this can be done with the Scope and Criteria.
The reason for this ‘double assignment’ lies in the following scenario:

On a given Location are two Printers; an HP and a Xerox.
The HP should only be used by the Treasury department and the Xerox is a general Printer for everyone. Both Printers are located on this location and set to be the default printer for this Location in the Printer property page.
If setting a Location on the Printer’s property page would also assign the Printer to users, the above scenario would be difficult to implement, but now the administrator simply creates some Criteria in the Printer’s Scopes that assign the Printer to this Location AND checks for a specific AD group membership.
Both user groups will get the Printer they are allowed to use and both user groups will get the right Printer set as the default Printer for the Location.

On multiple levels of the Location tree Printers can be assigned and set as the default Printer.
Scense will automatically set the default Printer, closest to the workstation.