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Sample script for handling applications.

Start application from application context driveletter

This script will start an application from a drive letter, while still complying with the application contexts as defined by the administrator.
This script uses the ‘Process’ service.

Sub Scense_Main()
    Dim FinalDrive
    Dim ApprovalDrive
    Dim TestDrive
    Dim EffectiveDrive

    Dim tStart
    Dim tStartIn

    Dim ShowWindow

    Dim tInstallLocation

    'Please complete the required variables

    'Initialize Program locations
    tStart = "<\DIR\APP.EXE>"   '<-- Insert programpath, the path(or EXE if
                                     no path) should start with a slash!
    tStartIn = "<\DIR>"         '<-- Insert programfolder, the path should 
                                     start with a slash!

    'Initialize Customer Application DriveLetters
    FinalDrive = "P"            '<-- Insert DriveLetter for the Final 
    ApprovalDrive = "R"         '<-- Insert DriveLetter for the Approval 
    TestDrive = "T"             '<-- Insert DriveLetter for the test Context

    'Overrule Local Application DriveLetter
    LocalDrive = ""             '<-- Insert DriveLetter for Local install,
                                     leave blank to use default

    ShowWindow = 1              '<-- Insert a value (0=Hidden, 1=Normal, 
                                     2=Minimized, 3=Maximized)

    '-- Check Install type -----------------------------------------------
    If ReplaceVariables("%InstallType%") = "Shared" Then
        'Shared Installation: Check Application Context
        Select Case ReplaceVariables("%TaskSetStatus%")
	    Case 0 'Final
                EffectiveDrive = FinalDrive
            Case 1 'Approval
                EffectiveDrive = ApprovalDrive
            Case 2 'Test
                EffectiveDrive = TestDrive
        End Select

        'Compose the start parameters
        tStart = """" & EffectiveDrive & ":" & tStart & """"
        tstartIn = EffectiveDrive & ":" & tStartIn

        'Local Installation
        If LocalDrive = "" Then
            'Retrieve the Default
            tInstallLocation = ReplaceVariables("%InstallLocation%")
            tInstallLocation = LocalDrive & ":"
        End If

        'Compose the start parameters
        tStart = """" & tInstallLocation & tStart & """"
        tstartIn = tInstallLocation & tStartIn
    End If  

    '-- Start the process -------------------------------------------------
    With Process  
        'ScenseLog Feedback 
        WriteScenseLog "Start: " & tstart
        WriteScenseLog "In   : " & tStartIn

        'Start the process
        .StartIn = tstartIn
        .ShowWindow = ShowWindow
        If Not .StartProcess(tStart) Then
            'report the error
            Err.Raise .ReturnCode
        End If
    End With
End Sub