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ADComputer / ADUser Property

The ADUser property references an Active Directory (iads) object bound to the current domain computer/user.
Especially the ADUser Active Directory object can be useful in unmanaged mode.
Prerequisite: During installation the LOGONSERVER should point to a Domain Controller, otherwise it won’t work.
In a Scense Scripting Action the ADUser (IADS) object is available and will be instantiated on first use.
This object is an IADS-object that is bound to the Active Directory object of the current computer/user.
For more info see the IADS Reference:



Sub Scense_Main()
    With ADUSer
        WriteScenseLog "AdsPath: " & .AdsPath
        WriteScenseLog "CN: " & .CN
        WriteScenseLog "Name: " & .Name
        WriteScenseLog "sAMAccountName: " & .sAMAccountName
        WriteScenseLog "Parent: " & .Parent
        WriteScenseLog "GUID: " & .GUID
        WriteScenseLog "UPN: " & .Get("userPrincipalName")
    End With
End Sub


ComputerName Property

Returns a string value containing the current computer name.

IsServer Property

Returns a Boolean value containing the current computer state regarding this subject.
True – this computer is a server
False – This computer is not a server
If the computer is also a workstation, it probably is a Terminal Server

IsWorkstation Property

Returns a Boolean value containing the current computer state regarding this subject.
True – this computer is a workstation
False – This computer is not a workstation
If the computer is also a server, it probably is a Terminal Server

LogonDomain Property

Returns a string value containing the current logon domain name.

LogonServer Property

Returns a string value containing the current logon server name.

OSType Property

Returns a string value containing the short operating system name.
e.g. ‘Windows_10’

User Property

Returns a string containing the user-id of the currently logged on user.

UserFullName Property

Returns a string containing the current users’ Full Name, as specified in the active directory.