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Virtual Layer

The Virtual Layer object can be used to manipulate AltirisVirtual Software Layers.
The object structure is somewhat more complex due to the construction of the Virtual Layers.
The ‘Base’ object is ‘ScenseSVS’. The ScenseSVS object provides general administrative functions.


Properties Description
Layers Reference to the Layers collection


Reference to the Versions collection


Methods Description



Import a layer from a Virtual Software Archive (VSA-file).
The function passes a reference to the newly imported layer object.

Function Import(FileName As String, Result As Long, Optional Overwrite As Boolean = False, Optional LocalCopy As Boolean = False)
IgnoreProcess Instructs the Driver to completely ignore the current process. The current process will no longer see any layers.
EndIgnoreProcess Instructs the driver to resume normal operation with the current process. The current process will see active layers again.
Refresh Refreshes the Layers collection.



Capture an application installation.
The function returns a resultcode that can be translated with ‘TranslateError’

Function StartCapture(LayerNameOrGUID As String, PathToExe As String, Parameters As String)
StopCapture Stop a previously started capture


Translate an error code to legible text.

Function TranslateError(errorCode As Long)



The Versions collection of the ScenseSVS object consists of one or more Version objects.

Properties Description
Feature Feature within the versions collection
Version Version of this feature


Sub Scense_Main()
    Dim v
    For Each v In ScenseSVS.Versions
        WriteScenseLog v.Feature & ": " & v.Version
End Sub



The Layers collection of the ScenseSVS object consists of Layer objects.
The Layer objects can be used to manage a virtual layer.

Properties Description
Excludes Reference to the Excludes collection of a Layer object
Active Boolean value, True indicates an active layer
ActivateOnStart Boolean value, True indicates the layer is activated on system startup
AutoDeactivate Boolean value, True indicates the layer will be deactivated when the last process running in this layer is terminated.
CreatedTime Date value indicating the creation timestamp
GUID Global Unique Identifier acting as the LayerID
LastRefreshed Date value indicating the timestamp of last Reset action
LastActivated Date value indicating the timestamp of last activation
LayerVersion Version number of this layer
LayerType Type of this layer
Name Name or description for this layer
Peers Reference to the Peers collection of this layer
Priority Normal layer priority
PriorityHKCR HKey_Classes_Root priority for this layer
VisibilityFlags Flags bitmap indicating the visibility and isolation for this layer
UserFilesPath Path for the user file in the redirection area


Path for the user registry in the redirection area


Methods Description



Activate this layer.
The function returns a result code.

Function Activate(Optional RunStartUpFolder As Boolean = False)



Deactivate this layer.
The function returns a result code.

Function Deactivate(Optional Force As Boolean = False)
Delete Delete this layer.
The function returns a result code.



Export this layer to a VSA-file.
The function returns a result code.

Function Export(FilePath As String, Optional Overwrite As Boolean = False)



Rename this layer.
The function returns a result code.

Function Rename(NewName As String)



Remove the File Type Associations from this layer.
The function returns a result code.

Function RemoveFTAs()



Remove the Shortcuts from this layer.
The function returns a result code.

Function RemoveShortcuts()



Reset this layer.
The function returns a result code.

Function Reset(Optional Force As Boolean = False)



Reset the priority.
The function returns a result code.

Function ResetPriority(PriorityType As PriorityType)
RestoreUserData Restore the user specific data stored in the layer.
The function returns a result code.
SaveUserData Save the user specific data stored in the layer.
The function returns a result code.



Set the auto activate property of this layer.
The function returns a result code.

Function SetAutoActivate(Activate As Boolean)





Set the auto deactivate property of this layer.
The function returns a result code.

Function SetAutoDeactivate(AutoDeactivate As Boolean)



Set the current process to either run inside or outside this layers context.
The function returns a result code.

Function SetProcessContext(RunInLayer As Boolean)



Set the normal- or the HKCR-priority for this layer.
The function returns a result code.

Function SetPriority(PriorityType As PriorityType, ByVal Level As String)


Sub Scense_Main()
    Dim l

    For Each l In ScenseSVS.Layers
        'Check if the layer is active
        If Not l.Active Then
            'It Is Not active, so we activate it
            If l.Activate Then
                WriteScenseLog l.Name & " was activated"
                WriteScenseLog l.Name & " could not be activated"
            End If
            'It Is active, so we Do Nothing
            WriteScenseLog l.Name & " was already active"
        End If
End Sub



The Excludes collection of the Layer object consists of Exclude objects.
Excludes determine which files and locations should not be stored within the virtual layer.

Methods Description


Adds a new exclude to the collection. This function returns a reference to the newly added exclude object.

Function Add(Path As String, ExcludeType As ExcludeType)


Removes an exclude from the excludes collection.

Sub Remove(IndexKey As Variant)


The Excludes collection of the Layer object consists of Exclude objects.

Properties Description
ExcludeType Type of exclude (Directory, Directory with subdirs, or a file extension)
Path Path or file extension that is excluded


Sub Scense_Main()
    Dim e

    WriteScenseLog "Excludes for " & ScenseSVS.Layers(1).Name
    'Enumerate All excludes for the 1st layer
    For Each e In ScenseSVS.Layers(1).Excludes
        WriteScenseLog e.Path
End Sub



The Peers collection of the Layer object consists of 2 Peer objects.
The 2 peers are; the Read-Only peer and the Read-Write peer.

Properties Description
ID Peer identification
Key Unique identifier for the peer
FileRedirect File Redirection path
RegistryRedirect Registry redirection path


Sub Scense_Main()
    Dim p

    WriteScenseLog "Peers for " & ScenseSVS.Layers(1).Name
    'Enumerate All peers for the 1st layer
    For Each p In ScenseSVS.Layers(1).Peers
        WriteScenseLog p.ID & ", " & p.FileRedirect
End Sub