ICT: Implementation in Cape Town

ICT: Implementation in Cape Town

Scense workspace management is about to take VDI to the next level at the prestigious Stellenbosch University near Cape Town. In celebration of our debut on the African continent, we offer you a short story of peacocks, providence and pride…

Scense makes you feel right @home

Scense makes you feel right @home

Your personal settings are important, right? Then why is it that so many IT environments seem to ignore them? Having your personal settings together with your data and applications is the key to being productive.

Thumbs up for the 2016 UEM Smackdown!

Thumbs up for the 2016 UEM Smackdown!

The latest edition of the UEM Smackdown was released and we’re very proud to see that Scense once again turns out to be one of the three most complete UEM solutions available.

We’ve got the whole world in our hands!

We’ve got the whole world in our hands!

Whoever wrote this well-known song probably never realized how prophetic it would turn out to be. After all: do you still remember the first desktops that were so big you could hardly carry them all by yourself? And what about the first wireless phones which were nowhere near reaching the status of a handheld device?