The Scense Client on the workstation uses the DCOM protocol to access the Scense Engine COM+ application on the server. For this communication to succeed settings on both the workstation and the server should be set correctly.
After starting the Scense Client a mesage appears showing an “Executive Problem”. This message shows when the Scense Client software has encountered a non-recoverable error while setting up communications with the Scense Engine.
There are several possible causes. Please follow the instructions for getting more detailed information about the problem.
In order to get more detailed information about the underlying problem, the Scense ‘Debug Log’ should be activated, generated and examined.
Step 1: Activating the Scense Debug Log
The activation of the Scense Debug Log is controlled by an environment variable. To set this variable navigate to:
– Control Panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings
or open the properties of ‘My Computer’ and select the ‘Advanced’ page.
Click the ‘Environment Variables’ button and add a new user variable:
– Name : ScenseDebug
– Value : 1
Click ‘OK’ several times to store the variable.
Creating a new ScenseDebug system variable will allow creating a debug log for the Scense OnDemand service. For troubleshooting communication problems this will normally not be necessary.
Step 2: Restarting the Scense Client
Restart the Scense Client by doing the following:
– Press [WIN]+R to open the ‘Run dialog’
– In the run dialog, type:
– Press the [Enter] key or Click ‘OK’
As nothing was fixed yet, you can expect the same message to appear.
Step 3: Finding the Scense Debug Log file
The restarting of the Scense Client will have created a file named ‘Scense.log’. This file can be found in the root of the user profile folder. To access this folder follow these steps:
– Press [WIN]+R to open the ‘Run dialog’
– In the run dialog, type:
– Press the [Enter] key or Click ‘OK’
This should open the folder in which the ‘Scense.log’ file resides.
Step 4: Examining the Scense Debug Log
After locating the Scense Debug Log it should be opened. Double-clicking the file should open it with notepad.
The Scense Debug Log will look like this:
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:07 Main Initialize for (scenseserver,Script,,)
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:07 Main Command: Script
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:07 Main Instantiate Executive
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:07 Main InitializeEngine
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:07 InitializeEngine Server name: scenseserver
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:07 Initialize Scense ELC Initialized
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:07 ELC Initialize Scense Engine
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:09 ELC Update Cache DB
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:09 InitializeEngine Create Remote Engine Object failed (Automation error). Switching to local cache mode.
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:09 InitializeEngine Scense Executive runs in 'Local Cache' mode.
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:09 InitializeEngine Engine call: GenerateGUID
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:09 Main Execute Script
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:09 SendStatusChanged $SESSION$,Script,4
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:09 SendStatusChanged $START$
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:09 SendStatusChanged $GATHERDATA$
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:09 SendStatusChanged $GETALLSITEPARAMETERS$
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:09 CacheAllSiteParameters ELC call: GetAllSiteParameters
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:09 ELC GetAllSiteParameters
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:09 GatherData Engine call: ServerDate
(3708) 15-2-2011 9:56:09 SendStatusChanged $USERDATA$
The line of interest here is:
(PID) 01-01-2011 00:00:00 InitializeEngine Create Remote Engine Object failed (error indication). Switching to local cache mode.
The ‘Error Indication’ can be one of several messages. E.g.:
Automation error
This is a general indicator without a real error code. In order to obtain the underlying error you will need to run the Scense Diagnostic tool (ScenseDiag.exe) which is part of the Scense Explorer Tools. Running the Scense Diagnostic Tool, and clicking the ‘Advanced’ button, will show output like this:
11-2-2011 12:18:16 - Scense Engine Function Call only
No compatible Scense Engine found
Error: (-2147023175) Automation error
Not enough resources are available to complete this operation.
In: ScenseDiagnostics - Create Engine Object
Using this information you can find more specific articles on the subject.
The described behavior is ‘as designed’.
The information in this article applies to:
Scense 6.1
Scense 7.0
Scense 7.5
Scense 7.6