In a very limited number of occasions, we received information about new Scense clients not being installed automatically by the Scense update service after an upgrade of a Scense environment.  If this occurs, some settings at your Scense Server need to be checked. To check and correct the regarding configuration settings, please follow the next steps:

Step 1: Scense Update Application Security

  • Log on at you Scense Server with administrator credentials.
  • Select at the Start Menu: Administrative Tools -> Component Services.
  • Look for the Com+ Application Scense Update and open the Property page.
  • Open the Security tab and check the setting Authentication Level for Calls
  • Correct the setting to “None” if necessary and apply with the OK button

Step 2: Scense Update Component Activation

  • Select the folder Components of the COM+ Application Scense Update.
  • Look for the component Scense_UpdCmp.Scense_Upd and open the Property page.
  • Open the Activation tab and check the setting Enable object pooling.
  • Uncheck this setting if necessary and apply with the OK button.

Step 3: Activating changes

  • Activate your changes, by shutting down the COM+ Application Scense Update:
  • Scense Update will restart automatically by calls from the Scense Update Service running at the workstations.

When questions or problems still arise, please feel free to contact